Fuel Level Sensor
Allows measuring current fuel volume in a fuel tank
Allows measuring current fuel volume in a fuel tank Position sensor is used in transport telematics systems to monitor axle loads, determine the axle load in vehicles with spring suspension, prevent exceeding axle loads.
Signal can be received by compatible vehicle tracking unit (telematics unit) and/or any Android or iOS device.

Night Watchman
Can also be used as a “night watchman” to alert driver on fuel theft from vehicle’s tank, for example, when resting at night parking.Sensor
Sensor is used in GPS tracking and vehicle telematics systems as additional fuel sensor or as a replacement of standard built-in fuel level sensor. When used as a part of telematics system, sensor allows getting reliable and accurate information on current fuel volume in the tank and to reveal misuse and fuel theft from tank. Also gives a general overview on fuel usage by vehicle or stationary unit.